Montgomery Finlay and Co NI

Ло 15, Drumnacaghan Ederney 3 Bed Chalet Bungalow

Drumnacaghan, Edenery
3 Bedroom - Chalet Bungalow
(5 Bedroom option with 1st Floor Conversion)
(5 Bed Option £275,000 Turnkey)

New Build - under construction
Contact Montgomery Finlay & Co.;
028 66 324485
NOTE: The above Agents for themselves and for vendors or lessors of any property for which they act as Agents give notice that (1) the particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract (2) no person in the employment of the Agents has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to any property (3) all negotiations will be conducted through this firm.

Контакты Montgomery Finlay and Co NI : +44 28 6632 4485

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