
Lot 3173257, (2) Unit 736 Northwest Logistics Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15

Available From: Immediately Modern high-bay logistics facility with market leading sustainable credentials.
Unit 736 comprises approx. 68,727 sq. ft (6,385 sq. m.) in total, including approx. 5,307 sq. ft. (493 sq. m.) of offices.
Unit 736 is located in one of Dublin's premier and most established locations.
Within 200m of the N2/N3 link road.
Within 5km of J5 and J6 on the M50.
Targeting: BER A3
Targeting: LEED Gold

Contact Savills : +353 16634357

Nous avons construit des logiciels et des systèmes en ligne pour les marchés et les maisons de vente aux enchères pendant plus de 10 ans.

Certains des plus grands marchés et maisons de vente aux enchères d'Irlande et du Royaume-Uni nous font confiance.