Phoenix Estates

Lot 7, Templescoby, Enniscorthy, Co.Wexford.

This site which is located within easy reach of Enniscorthy has had planning permission granted in the past for a single dwelling. The property which enjoys very nice views, has an esb connection installed, a sewerage system installed and a well installed on site, it has the potential for purchasers to build their dream home (subject to all the necessary planning permissions).

C 0.75 acre site
Enjoys good views
Easy reach of Enniscorthy town and the new bypass
Easy reach of all modern day facilities
These particulars are issued by Phoenix Estates on the understanding that all negotiations are conducted through them. Every care has been taken in preparing these particulars. But the firm does not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies or for any expense in inspecting the property should it not be suitable already let, sold or withdrawn from sale. These particulars are issued on the understanding that they will not be construed as forming part of any contract.

Contact Phoenix Estates : +353 539238617

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