
Can sensors improve cattle health?

Posted 09/09/2014

A new research project has been created to explore innovative uses of sensors, with the ultimate aim of improving the health of dairy cows.

Called DASIE (Dairy Animal Sensor Integrated Engineering), the project was started by Innovate UK, the country's agency to help further innovation, in collaboration with Harper Adams University and industry partners Dairy Crest, Kingshay and IceRobotics Ltd. The research partners hope to improve cattle health even further by carefully monitoring herds in addition to individual herds. Data gathered will be carefully scrutinised to determine how best to resolve breeding, mastitis and other problems as efficiently as possible. 

Robert Boyce, from IceRobotics, said: "This is a ground-breaking collaboration which brings together industry-leading dairy players to help farmers use technology to manage their businesses more efficiently whilst also improving animal welfare."