
My e-Marts, brokered by Roscommon Mart
Auction Ended

Lot 780 Weight 1050.00
Animals 1 QA N
DOBSex BreedAge
28/02/2018 F . AAX 73m,24d
. . 07/04/2020

Seller is connected to AgFood through LSL Free Herd App. Seller and animals details are downloaded from AgFood and verified
Once the animals are sold online, Roscommon Mart will carry out additional checks on the seller and animals to ensure sellers and his animals are genuine/allowed to be sold and the mart will arrange drop off/collection of the animals

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Lot 780
Current Best Bid
Current Price/KG

Weight of the aniamls will need to be confirmed by the mart after the sales and the actual total price will be adjusted based on the confirmed weight

Message History
07/07/2020 ~ Bid at 5

Please note:
- The mart carries out verfications on the seller when the lot is setup. When the your bid is accepted, the mart will carry out additional checks to ensure the sales can go through
- Sellers and buyers are advised to connect to AgFood and ICBF via LSL Free Herd App/Herd Monitor. This allows sellers/buyers information to be verified and increase confidence in both parties
- If you experience any technical issues or have any feedback for the system, please contact the mart and also let us know via email at
