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    Carnew Mart

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    Auction Dates

    Saturday 7 Dec, Ring 1, Cow Sale, Intake 7am to 8am, Viewing 8:30am to 9:15am , Start 09:30
    Saturday 7 Dec, Ring 1, Cattle Sale, Intake 7am to 8.45am , Viewing 8.45am to 9.45am, Start 10:00
    Saturday 7 Dec, Ring 2, Calf Sale , Start 12:00
    Thursday 12 Dec, Ring 1, Sheep Sale, Intake 7.30am to 9.15am, Viewing 9.15am to 10am, Start 09:30
    Thursday 12 Dec, Ring 2, Dairy Sale, Start 13:00
    Saturday 14 Dec, Ring 2, Suckler Sale, Start 14:30

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    - Live streaming is supported on latest version of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox web browser on desktop computer and mobile devices. If you are having issues, please try one of the supported browsers
    - If your mobile is not registered with Carnew Mart, please call Carnew Mart on +353 579 300 591 to set you up for online bidding.
    - If you experience any technical issues or have any feedback for the system, please contact Carnew Mart and also let us know via email at

    Terms & Conditions

    Please find copy of LSL Terms & Conditions here

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    Contact Carnew Mart

    Phone: +353 579 300 591
